Functional Lab Testing

As naturopathic physicians at Creative Healing Solutions, we are fully committed to help transform and optimize the health of our community. In order to help us live up to our commitment, we offer our patients specialized, “functional” laboratory testing. Instead of just looking for disease pathology, which is what most lab testing does, we offer functional laboratory tests that look at how well your body is actually functioning so we can identify imbalances before they become diseases. We then use that information to guide us in creating an individualized treatment plan to prevent illness/disease & optimize your health.
One of the most important things we can do in healthcare is focus our efforts on returning balance to our internal & external environments so our bodies can self-regulate and self-heal, which they are innately designed to do. To help us restore this balance, we utilize the following functional lab tests:
- DUTCH Complete Hormone Test from Precision Analytical – comprehensive evaluation of sex/steroid hormones & their metabolites, adrenal hormones, melatonin, and oxidation markers
- Organix Comprehensive Profile from Genova – nutritional test that provides information on organic acids and the pathways of your body’s cellular metabolic processes, energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, and intestinal microbial activity
- Organic Acid Test (OAT) from Great Plains Lab – nutritional test that provides information on organic acids and the pathways of your body’s cellular metabolic processes, energy production, detoxification, neurotransmitter breakdown, and intestinal microbial activity
- GI MAP Stool Test from Diagnostic Solutions Lab – a gi microbial assay test using advanced DNA technology to detect gi bacteria, viruses, fungus/yeast, parasites, inflammatory markers, enzymatic markers, etc
- Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis w/ Parasitology from Doctor’s Data – evaluates the digestive and absorptive functions, the level of inflammation, and the presence of opportunistic pathogens (bacteria, yeast, parasites) in the digestive tract
- SIBO Breath Test from AeroDiagnostic Labs – evaluates Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth
- Immuno BloodPrint from ImmunoLabs – IgG food sensitivity testing for 154 common foods
- Lymphocyte Response Assay (LRA) from ELISA/ACT – comprehensive evaluation of negative immune reactivity to up to 504 foods, chemicals, additives, preservatives, molds, metals
- Urine Toxic Metals and Essential Elements from Doctor’s Data – evaluates the level of 20 toxic metals in the body (especially mercury, lead & aluminum)
- Adrenal Stress Index from DiagnosTechs – evaluates the function of your adrenal (stress) glands
- Comprehensive Female/Male Hormone Panels from DiagnosTechs – evaluates the level of sex/steroid hormones (estrogens x 3, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA)
- Comprehensive Nutritional Panel from Vibrant America – evaluates the body’s internal nutritional status by measuring levels of 35 different vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants
- Bio-Impedance Analysis – in office test evaluating intra & extra-cellular inflammation, hydration, toxicity & health
- Meta-Oxy Test – in-office test evaluating cellular inflammation & oxidation
- Dysbiosis Metabolite Test – at home test evaluating inflammatory & toxicity levels in the digestive tract due to dysbiosis (the imbalance of good vs. bad bacteria in the gut)
- Genetic Testing from 23andMe – (& referral for comprehensive interpretation)
- Cyrex Labs – various panels available
- Food Sensitivity Test - test allergies and/or sensitivities to common foods. Learn More