Creative 30 Program

30 days of FREE Unique and Effective Health Tips!
At Creative Healing Solutions, we created a Free program that offers 30 days of unique and effective health tips that everyone can benefit from. By clicking below to join our Creative 30 program, you’ll receive one daily email for 30 days and learn valuable tools to “become the solution” to your health.
Each day, you’ll get an email from Dr. Strand that covers a wide variety of free health tips. Wake up to reading great health advice, along with an accompanying video by Dr. Strand that expands on the topic of the day. It’s the next best thing to being in her office!
After watching the videos and implementing the valuable tools, many people no longer need our services because their health issues completely resolve. So, try it out…you have nothing to lose & potentially a lot to gain!
Interested in restoring your health?
Are you sick of feeling the way that you are feeling and not having any answers as to why? Are you tired of doctors visits that are a complete waste of time because you can only talk about 1 health concern per visit? Are you over the one-size-fits-all approach to your health care? If you know that you are meant for more in this life, and if your health and vitality is of upmost importance to you, give us a call & let’s get started on a different path.