What To Expect

New Patient Paperwork:
One of our main goals is to determine what the cause of your health issues are. Therefore, it is vital that we obtain enough information about you in order to help us identify and determine the underlying causes of your imbalance, dysfunction, and dis-ease. We ask each of our patients to fill out 11 VERY comprehensive New Patient Intake Forms (online on our Patient Portal) before your initial consultation so we can review them and be prepared for your visit. We ask that you have all 11 of the New Patient Intake Forms filled out online and provided to us at least 3-5 business days PRIOR to your initial consult. If we do not receive all 11 of the completed forms 3-5 days prior to your Initial Consult, we may need to reschedule your appointment for a later date. Contact our office so we can get you registered for our Patient Portal so you can fill out these forms online.

First Visit:
Your first office visit with us will last approximately 60-90 minutes. This is to assure that we have sufficient time to provide you with the quality of comprehensive, functional naturopathic healthcare that you deserve. We will discuss all of your current health concerns, take a full medical history, perform a physical exam as appropriate, and create an individualized treatment plan specifically for you. If you are taking nutritional supplements, please bring them or a list of their ingredients so we can review them and advise you on any changes or recommendations. Also, if you have had any recent tests performed (blood tests, X-rays, MRI’s, etc), please provide a copy of the reports with your New Patient Paperwork at least 3-5 days prior to your initial consultation, so we can review them and add them to your chart.
Follow-up Visits:
We highly recommend (but do not require) our patients to become a part of one of our programs (DETOX, SHRINK, Rise & THRIVE), which are comprehensive, 3-6-9 month programs that are focused on helping you regain your Health and Vitality…and Maximizing your Health so you can Fulfill Your Purpose in Life! Depending on the health concerns being addressed, follow-up visits are usually scheduled 1-3 months after your initial visit and then less frequently as your health improves and your symptoms resolve. For our most comprehensive Rise & THRIVE program, the average number of visits is usually 6-8 in order to obtain your optimal health (or at least gain the information and tools to continue achieving your optimal health). Follow-up visits usually last 30-60 minutes. For your convenience & for the people who do not live in Scottsdale, AZ, we also offer follow-up visits as Telehealth Video Consults &/or Phone Consults (charged as regular follow-ups for people not involved in our Rise & THRIVE Program). This is a great option that many people (and the environment) value.
We try not to “over test” our patients, but often times testing is necessary &/or valuable in helping us gain needed information to establish a proper diagnosis and treatment options. Some testing is covered by insurance, but we always recommend that you call your insurance company ahead of time to verify coverage (if requested by a naturopathic physician). Many of the tests that we commonly order are considered “functional lab tests” and may not be covered by your insurance plan, so you may be required to pay out-of-pocket for these. If you will be paying out-of-pocket for any blood testing, we offer a program with significantly discounted prices to help cut down on your out-of-pocket costs.
Fees & Insurance:
We are a fee-for-service office and do not directly bill any insurance companies. You are responsible to pay for all charges at the time of service (this includes our Rise & THRIVE Program and our pay-per-visit option for existing patients & patients who have completed our Rise & THRIVE Program and want to continue care). We accept cash, checks, HSA cards, and credit cards. For the pay-per-visit service, we will provide you with an itemized receipt after each visit with all of the necessary information (ICD-10 codes, CPT codes, etc) to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement if you desire.